

Industry: Oil & Gas

Location: Gulf Coast

Result: Infrastructure

In-situ Stabilization of F037 Waste and Oily Sediment Paves the Way for New Construction

ENTACT Takes Part In Gulf Cost Refinery Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action

ENTACT performed remediation activities at a Gulf Coast refinery as part of a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action to address solidified F037 waste and oily sediments to construct a new Ethane Cracker Unit.

Scope of work included:

  • Demolition and removal of at and below-grade structures
  • Removal of existing cover materials (clay and stone) for segregation, stockpile, and/or reuse as road or laydown area material or backfill at other areas of the refinery
  • Dewatering of existing water and management of water within excavation areas during work
  • In-situ stabilization of approximately 615,000 cubic yards of solidified F037 waste and oily sediments to an average depth of 10 feet to achieve an unconfined compressive strength of 2 tons per square foot and to meet Remedy Standard A (residential) levels
  • Excavation of stabilized materials to specified elevations or leave in place, as appropriate
  • Installed erosion control measures and final site restoration

After the sediment remediation was completed, the Client requested that ENTACT relocate onsite landfill material to prepare the area for long-term infrastructure improvements.

ENTACT excavated 55,000 cubic yards of landfill material to a depth of 20 feet and relocated it to the existing landfill footprint area. Groundwater was managed by sumps and discharged into the facility’s wastewater treatment stream.

Once excavation activities were complete, the area was backfilled and compacted in lifts utilizing adjacent site soils. Approximately 20,000 cubic yards of clay were imported, placed, and compacted into lifts to construct an impermeable clay cap.

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Three individuals in an office looking at project plans on a large wooden desk