Industry: Manufacturing
Location: Northeast
Four Phase Project Restores Site, Wetlands, Stream, and Wooded Area
ENTACT executed a four-phased remedial action project to support the decommissioning of a former glass and super alloy additives manufacturing facility. The site, due to historical metallurgical operations, exhibited metals and radiological contamination in soil and sediment both on-site and in adjacent areas, including wetlands, a stream channel, and wooded uplands. The project phases were designed to systematically address the impacted materials, as outlined below:
Phases 1 and 2 Remediation: The initial phases focused on materials within the property limits. Our team:
- Excavated the stream channel, adjacent banks, and floodplain totaling 6,540 cubic yards over a seven-acre area
- Performed onsite material transport, handling, storage, conditioning, and loadout
- Imported and placed 4,940 cubic yards of select fill and 1,600 cubic yards of highly organic select fill that met site-specific sediment Ecological Screening Values
- Installed and operated an active stream bypass to manage water flow during remediation
- Constructed water dewatering, treatment, and discharge systems
- Restored wetlands through plantings, seeding, and mulching
- Installed a one-acre asphalt cap to seal the remediated area
Phases 3 and 4 Remediation: During phases three and four, we addressed off-site impacts across a six-acre area. To do this we:
- Imported and placed 1,305 cubic yards of select fill and 2,655 cubic yards of highly organic select fill
Ancillary Support Tasks: Throughout the project, ENTACT further supported the project by performing ancillary tasks. Our Associates:
- Surveyed and maintained site controls to ensure safety and compliance
- Procured local permits required for the project
- Conducted air monitoring to assess and manage environmental conditions
- Implemented dust control measures to protect air quality
- Installed, maintained, and removed soil erosion and sediment controls
- Constructed and improved site access roads to facilitate operations
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