

Industry: Utilities

Location: Midwest

Result: Sustainable Environment

In-Situ Solidification and Stabilization (ISS) Transforms Former MGP Site

ENTACT undertook the remediation of a former MGP site situated in an urban area, adjacent to light industrial and commercial developments, as well as undeveloped land and a shallow river. Historical releases of MGP residuals had contaminated soil and groundwater, leading to the migration of pollutants to the riverbank, affecting an isolated sediment area. During the project, ENTACT:

  • Developed a treatability study
  • Demolished concrete footings and slabs
  • Excavated and disposed of 10,500 tons of impacted soil off-site
  • Installed180 linear feet reinforced concrete pipe, including a manhole and headwall
  • Performed in-situ solidification and stabilization of 30,000 cubic yards of impacted materials
  • Restored the site to natural grade with topsoil, native grasses, and trees
  • Stabilized the riverbank through riprap placement

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Three individuals in an office looking at project plans on a large wooden desk